Monday, April 26, 2010

9:46pm  Meg and her dad had the day together, while I went home to do laundry, pay bills, and spend some special time with baby girl Kinsley - what a treat! I returned to see Megan eating like she hasn't in months! Praise God for an increased appetite! We're in the step-down unit, and they rolled in a bed for the mom! Roomies!  ~kathie


  1. God's miracle continues. I'm so happy for Megan and all of you! Will pray for continued recovery and a great biopsy result! *HUGS*

  2. Every time I read one of the blogs it brings tears to my eyes. Every step-big or small-is a huge success! Praise God for giving you the strength and determination to get back on your feet.

  3. That is great news! I love reading the daily updates. Will continue to pray.

  4. That is wonderful. I continue to pray for her! She is very lucky that her mom is staying with her, I'm sure it makes her feel much better!
